Stronger Than The Voices In My Mind


We all began our journey to run with many different and personal reasons. For me, it was to get healthy, but it has turned into so much more than that. When I began my running journey, I could not run 1 mile without stopping 20 times (and this is not an exaggeration). The weird thing was – I kept at it!

And OMG, when I ran that mile for the first time, I felt like I just ran a marathon and I’m sure I looked like it too. I was dripping with sweat, huffing and puffing, and thought I would never be able to walk again. Surprisingly, this one mile led to many more miles, friends and confidence.

The confidence I felt was overwhelming. I had never known what this felt like, doing something so physical, like running for miles, and not listening to my mind telling me to quit. This feeling, the feeling of conquering my mind, is what has kept me motivated to run. I don’t listen to the voices in my head telling me “I can’t do this” “I’m too old” “My body aches” or “No one will care if I quit.”

Whenever I think I can’t do something, I now know that I am stronger than the voices in my mind and I can conquer anything that is thrown my way!


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